Wednesday 15th May
Email to secure you table.
Saturday 3rd March
Wednesday 10th January
Attention Players & Parents
Online registrations have now commenced for Season 2024.
To register with Lynwood United FC, please use the following link:
How To Pay Fees
There are several ways to pay your 2024 playing fees:
1) During the registration process with MyFootballClub via Mastercard or VISA.
2) Select ‘Manual Payment’ during registration and pay at the Club
3) Via EFTPOS by attending one of the Club Pop-Up shops
4) Via direct deposit into the Club’s account. It is MOST important that you enter the player’s name against the reference/narrative for this transaction so that we are able to locate your payment. Please note, there are new banking details for Lynwood United Football Club.
5) If you paid your fees via the Earlybird Fees Program, please click Submit and Pay Later in the payment page. The rates will not match, but your registration will be married up with your payment.
Banking details below:
Account Name: Lynwood United FC
Account No: 11141504
BSB: 066134
Reference: PLAYER’S NAME <- Important!
PLEASE NOTE: Fees for the 2024 season, must be paid in full PRIOR to Round 1 of the Season. Any player with outstanding fees owing will not be permitted to play until their account is settled. “No Pay, No Play”
Friday 5th January
Monday 27th November
As requested, here are some answers to the frequently asked questions.
Q. When can I register?
A. Registration for Seniors, Juniors and Miniroos will open sometime in mid-January. An announcement will be made on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Q. When should I register?
A. As soon as it opens up! Last year the club increased by 35% and by March we unfortunately had to turn players away due to us being at maximum capacity. As a recommendation, do not leave it until the last minute.
Q. When does the Season Start?
A. The Senior Season normally starts early April. The Miniroos & Junior season traditionally starts in late April. These dates are subject to Football West’s Footballing Calendar.
Q. What days do you train and play on?
A. Training for Miniroos and Juniors is decided closer to the season once we know how many teams and players we have. As requested, several times last year, we do not change the training schedules around to suit personal family schedules. Training schedules are set by the coaches and their availability.
Miniroos and Junior games are played on Sunday mornings. Kick off times are decided by the Home Team.
Senior games, traditionally kick off from 11:00am to 3:00pm depending on the team being at home or away.
As requested twice last year, we do not change kick off times to suit individual families. KO times are locked in for the betterment of the club and ground availability.
Q. When does the Senior Pre-Season start?
A. Seniors normally start pre-season around late January / early February.
Q. Can I pay early?
A. Yes you can! The club currently has an Earlybird Discount Program in place currently. It will expire on 31st December. After that time, fees will revert to the 2024 standard fee system.
To pay the Earlybird fees, email for more information.
Q. Can I pay in installments?
A. No, payment in full is required before you can play. If an unregistered player is played, the club is fined $200.
Q. Can I use my Kidsport to pay for the Earlybird Discount Program?
A. No you cannot.
Q. Can my son or daughter play in the same team as their school friends?
A. The school year operates on a Financial Year Calendar (July-June). The Football Season operates on a standard Calendar Year (January-December). We cannot guarantee friends will play in the same team as they might be too old or too young for the team.
Q. Can my son or daughter play in the same team as their relatives?
A. If they are the same age and there is room in the team, possibly. However, if they are a different age, then no. The club has a duty of care and to place an underaged child into a team that is not suitable could result in serious injury.
Q. I’m a new player, what do I get for my fees?
A. New players (Under 8s upwards) receive a Home & Away Shirt. Players (Under 5s to Under 7s receive a Home Shirt Only).
Q. I’m a returning player, what do I get for my fees?
A. As long as you have Home and Away Shirts you will receive a discounted rate for the 2024 season. If your shirt is damaged or no longer fits, replacement shirts can be purchased at $30 each.
Home and Away shirts are required from Under 8s upwards.
Q. What else is included in my fees?
A. Your fees, broken down include Football Australia, Football West, City of Canning and Lynwood United Administration Fees as well as the Raffle Prize for Club Functions.
Q. What else am I up for financially?
A. Players are required to wear red shorts and red socks. This is not negotiable. These are our club colours. Shorts and Socks plus other Merchandise is available from our Pop-Up shops.
Q. When will the Pop-Up Shops open up?
A. We normally have 3-4 Pop Up shops in March and early April. These will be advertised on our Social Media Platforms.
If you have any other questions, email our boffins at and one of them will get back to you with an answer.
Friday 10th November
Friday 10th November
At Lynwood United, our motto is to make football affordable.
As such we have released our Early Bird Fee Structure for new and returning players for the 2024 season. Below are the rates for the individual age groups.
Please note, as a Community Club, Lynwood United does not have an in-house State League or NPL team. As such all fees, after Football Australia, Football West and City of Canning Fees, go into the club to improve and expand on the club’s resources and do not subsidise Senior Player’s wages.
If you wish to pay your fees early as part of the Early Bird Fee Structure, you can pay via EFT – BSB – 066 134 / Account Number – 11141504 / Reference – Earlybird (your surname)
Early Bird Fee Structure expires on Sunday 31st December 2023. After that time, standard 2024 fees will apply.
The Early Bird Fees cannot be paid for with Kidsport Vouchers.
Then, when registration opens in mid-January, you register as normal and click ‘Pay Later’. Our team behind the scenes will then consolidate your payment with your registration and you’re all set and ready.
And…… go!
Tuesday 26th September
Wednesday 5th April
Please follow the link to junior registrations below and register ASAP.
Thank you
Lynwood United Committee
Saturday 1st April
The following Miniroos Age Groups have now been closed:
Under 6s, Under 7s, Under 8s & Under 9s. The will not be registering any additional players for these age groups.
Lynwood United Committee
Monday 20th March
Senior Registration will close on Friday 24th March. Please make sure all Lynwood United Senior Players are registered by this time.
All payments are due by Friday 31st March.
Lynwood United Committee
Monday 6th March
Parents & Players
Lynwood United will be opening their Pop-Up Merchandise Shops on the following days at Hossack Reserve:
Wednesday 29th March – 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Wednesday 26th April – 5:30pm – 7:30pm
You can purchase Shorts, Socks, Hoodies, Rain Jackets, White Veto Training Tops and pay your fees with our Club Treasurer. For more information email the club or DM via the socials.
Lynwood United Committee
Monday 27th February
Attention Parents & Players
Registration is now closed for all age groups with the exception of the following teams:
Under 6-7, Under 10-11, Under 12 Boys, Under 13 Boys, EFD and Senior Teams
Parents wishing to register their child into an age group that is full will go onto a standby list. Please note, there is NO guarantee of a position if you register for a full age group.
Lynwood United Committee
Tuesday 17th January
Online registrations have now commenced for Season 2023
To register with Lynwood United FC, please use the following link:
How To Pay Fees
There are several ways to pay your 2023 playing fees:
1) During the registration process with MyFootballClub via Mastercard or VISA.
2) Select ‘Manual Payment’ during registration and pay at the Club (please email first).
3) Via cash or EFTPOS by attending one of the Registration Information Sessions listed above.
4) Via direct deposit into the Club’s account. It is MOST important that you enter the player’s name against the reference/narrative for this transaction so that we are able to locate your payment. Please note, there are new banking details for Lynwood United Football Club.
Banking details below:
Account Name: Lynwood United FC
Account No: 11141504
BSB: 066134
Reference: PLAYER’S NAME